The Interview

When preparing for an interview, you should consider the different types of questions that could be asked as well as possible responses.

Popular interview questions include:
  • Can you tell me about your background and experiences?
  • Why do you think you are the right person for this position?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What would you say your weaknesses are?
  • What are your ambitions for the future?
  • Do you prefer to work in a team or independently?
  • Can you tell me about the biggest challenge you have faced in your career and how you overcame it?
  • Why do you want to leave your current job?
  • What would your colleagues say about you?
8 Tips to help prepare you for the interview:
  • Research the company. What are they about? What do they produce? What do you find interesting about them? This is very important to do as it will help you relate your answers to match the firm as well as be confident if you are asked a direct question about the company.
  • Bring a couple of CVs . An extra copy for the employer in case needed looking at your CV before an interview can help keep you focused and refresh your memory. It will also make you appear organised.
  • Ensure that you know where the interview will take place and find out how long it will take you to get there to ensure that you will arrive on time.
  • Ensure that you have the name and phone number of the contact person in case of an emergency.
  • Feel free to squeeze into the interview how your life experiences can help you with your job.
  • Be honest. Avoid lying about your background and/or skills.
  • Be enthusiastic and positive about yourself, the job and the company. This will portray you in a good light to the recruiters.
  • Turn every interview question into your advantage. Employers are not trying to catch you out. So when you get asked a question like ‘What are your weaknesses?’ you should say something along the lines of ‘I use to be less organised, but going through university has allowed me to work on this weakness. I have had many group projects and assignments thus forcing me to keep a strict agenda of what I need to do.’