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Apply to Lidl Jobs in Swindon

Looking for a Lidl jobs in Swindon offers a range of job vacancies, including store assistant, with competitive salaries and benefits.

1 - 40 hours per week
£60,000 Per Year

What are you going to do:

Lidl is a well-known discount supermarket that provides a range of job opportunities in Swindon, including store assistant and management roles. With competitive salaries and attractive benefits, working for Lidl in Swindon can be an excellent career choice.

Store assistants play a critical role in the success of Lidl in Swindon. They are responsible for providing exceptional customer service, replenishing stock, and maintaining the store's cleanliness and appearance. Store assistants must have excellent communication skills, be comfortable working in a fast-paced environment, and be able to work as part of a team.

Lidl management roles in Swindon include deputy store managers and store managers. These roles require individuals with strong leadership and management skills who can motivate and inspire their teams to achieve sales targets and provide exceptional customer service. Deputy store managers are responsible for supporting the store manager in day-to-day operations, while store managers have overall responsibility for the store's performance, from recruitment and staff development to financial management and sales targets.

Salaries for Lidl jobs in Swindon vary depending on the role and level of experience required. Store assistants can expect to earn around £9.50 per hour, while management roles offer salaries ranging from £23,500 to £58,000 per annum, depending on the level of responsibility and experience required.

Benefits for Lidl employees in Swindon include a generous staff discount, pension scheme, life assurance, and opportunities for career development and progression. Lidl also provides various wellbeing initiatives, such as an employee assistance program and mental health support.

Overall, working for Lidl in Swindon can be an exciting career choice for those looking to work in the retail industry. With competitive salaries, great benefits, and opportunities for career progression, Lidl could be the perfect fit for you. If you're looking for a job opportunity in Swindon, consider applying for a position with Lidl.

What we offer:

  • Career Progression
  • Competitive Salaries
  • Added Responsibility

What we ask:

  • No minimum education required
  • Shelf Stacking
  • Customer Service


Are you the perfect candidate? Click the button 'apply now' and we'll contact you as soon as possible!

Extra information

Education Level
College, Secondary School, University, Other
Working hours per week
1 - 40
Type of Contract
Casual / Part Time Jobs, Evening Job, Weekend, Summer / Holiday Jobs, Internships, Temporary Full Time, Graduate Internship, Voluntary, Placements, Work from home
Salary indication
£60,000 Per Year
Responsible for
Lidl offers a range of job opportunities in Swindon, including store assistant and management roles, with competitive salaries and benefits.
Profession type
Sales, Retail
Full UK/EU driving license preferred
Car Preferred
Must be eligible to work in the EU
Cover Letter Required

Nationwide | Retail Jobs | Sales Jobs | Commercial Assistant Jobs | Sales Representative Jobs | Shop Assistant Jobs | Cashier Jobs | Casual / Part Time Jobs | Evening Job | Weekend | Summer / Holiday Jobs | Internships | Temporary Full Time | Graduate Internship | Voluntary | Placements | Work from home | College | Secondary School | University | Other