When at university, whether you are in your final year or your first, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. But pushing yourself until you burn out is only going to make things worse. By following our simple steps and remembering to give yourself a break, things are guaranteed to ease and you’ll start to feel more in control again.

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You are not, repeat, not the first person to feel overwhelmed at university. Chances are if you spoke to some of your friends, a few of them will be feeling the same as you.

Your personal advisor will have many students feeling the same way, and so will be able to point you in the right direction and give you advice on how to properly organise your revision and deadlines.

If you don’t feel confident or comfortable talking to your advisor, for instance, if you haven’t had a lot of contact with them throughout your degree or they’ve recently changed, then find someone you do feel comfortable with such as a lecturer or seminar leader. Whoever you choose to talk, they’ll be able to give you advice on how to manage how you’re feeling and you should start to feel better soon.


Whilst it may not seem ideal, taking time out before you finish your degree is a very helpful option.

Through speaking with your advisors and careers services, you can decide whether or not intercalating is the right choice for you. There are pros and cons, particularly if you are insecure about studying your final year with people you may not know, or feel you may find it difficult to watch your original classmates graduate without you.

Aside from the social aspect, you may have to repeat parts of certain compulsory modules, and certain modules you chose before may not be available for you to study this time around. But remember, while the reason for being at university is to achieve the best you can, you can only perform at your best when you are feeling your best.

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One of the things your personal advisor can help you with is applying for extensions. If you have multiple deadlines at the same time, or your deadlines clash with your exams, giving yourself some extra time can be very helpful. They can also be helpful if you are experiencing personal or health issues as well. The forms are usually relatively easy to fill out and should be available at your school hub. If you need help filling them out, just ask.


This one only applies to people who have part-time jobs or internships outside of their studies, but it can be one of the most helpful around exam season.

Whilst incredibly useful for bringing in some extra cash to top up your student loan, part-time work can add to your stress levels by taking up free time you may need to relax or study. If you happen to work somewhere at your university, great! Your employer will be well experienced in allowing students additional time off to study. If you work for a company outside of your university, talk to them about taking on fewer shifts or maybe use some of your holiday time. Either way, whilst money is important, you’re paying for your degree and so your focus will primarily be on your studies.

When you’re studying, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed or under pressure, but it is important to remember that your health is important and should come first in your list of priorities. Whatever your situation, utilise the services and resources available to you and the pressure you’re feeling is sure to ease.

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Jess Howard writes for Inspiring Interns.

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