Educational success depends on a student's ability to study, yet many do not know how to study or don't have the tools to really dive in.

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A student can be overwhelmed during exam season, and most of the time it's because students know they do not have a firm grasp on how to study effectively. Below you will learn how to use new methods to electrify studying sessions and also get a few tips on how to study effectively.

Simple Steps to Study Right

  • Refined Note Taking

An important step to take is to take notes more effectively. To do this, you should learn the Cornell Method, which basically consists of three sections.

One is where all real-time notes are taken; a smaller section on the right will have questions or ideas you might have while reading your notes, and the bottom section is going to have a summary of that page.

It may seem a little complicated, but the reality is this kind of note-taking actually helps you analyze and more effectively retain what you've learned.


  • Good Comprehension

A big part of studying is reading, meaning you have to learn how to read with the intention of learning. This is not as simple as you might imagine because it means you need to stay focused, read fluently, and have the ability to think critically about everything you read.

There are a number of ways you can do this; for example, you can do a little active reading. This means you are going to interact with the text as you read by making comments and putting yourself in the situation you are reading.

It may also be a good idea to change your reading pace anytime you feel like you did not comprehend something. Slow reading may be time-consuming, but it gives your brain time to understand what you are reading. It may also be a good idea to plan short reading sessions to give yourself time to absorb the information read.


  • Learn to Memorize

The next thing you want to do is learn how to memorize what you have learned. There are a few ways you can do this; for example, you can simply retype the notes you took.

You can also re-watch or playback lectures so that your brain has more time with the information presented.

You can also try to retain the information you've learned through repetition or by using flashcards. Both of these methods help convert information from short-term memories to long-term memories.

Perfecting some of these learning techniques is going to help you not only be a good student, but a great employee because you'll be able to retain information effectively.

This makes you a fast learner, which employers love because it means less training. You may even want to consider adding your learning capabilities to your resume though you may have to look through a few resume examples to see how to do this effectively.


Electrifying Your Ability to Study

There are a number of study methods that can help boost your studying, especially if you know how to study well. The following are some of those methods:

  • Deep Work

Deep work is a modern way of boosting your ability to retain information.

It was born because of modern distractions like random browsing, listening to music, or social media checking. Deep work returns students to the basics, and that really does mean turning off all distractions and diving into your studies. It is almost as if you are a method actor who locks him or herself in a room just to study.


  • Mnemonics

This is a method of learning that uses the brain's natural memory-making system to introduce new information.

The idea is to basically anchor new memories into older memories. You assign these new concepts to something you already know like an image, memory, or even a rhyme. It might sound a little silly, but the reality is making these types of connections actually forces your brain to learn something more permanently.


  • Neuro-Linguistic

Neuro-linguistic programming is sometimes referred to as NLP. This type of learning focuses mostly on an educational aspect that is sometimes overlooked: the non-verbal aspect. The idea is pretty simple; human beings communicate with more than just words and this type of learning extracts lessons from the parts of language that we sometimes forget about.

In essence, it helps you listen to the internal dialogue you are having about a particular lesson. It forces you to think about why you are having the reactions you are having. You are introspectively changing the way you feel about the information you just learned, making this information more important to you.

Hopefully, some of this information helps make study time a lot easier and more effective. Changing the way one studies is not going to be easy, but nothing worthwhile is ever really that easy.

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