writing student

Any student paper requires certain knowledge and skills. Serious preparation and compliance with certain rules are the key to writing a great essay. In this article, we give you some tips to think about when you’re writing your paper. Use these essay steps and you will definitely be successful and get a high score for your essay.

Stylistic tips

In addition to knowledge of the topic on which the essay is written, the author must write the text correctly. Do not abuse complex structures. Let the story be concise, without abbreviations and slang. Use the introductory expressions at the beginning of the essay. But do not abuse them in the main part and the conclusion. Otherwise, the text will be artificial.

To diversify the text, use:

  • adverbs;
  • adaptive;
  • synonyms.

There shouldn't be too many colourful descriptions. Do not lead the reader into the wilds of expressive descriptions and reasoning. He should follow the course of thought and reasoning about the main topic.

Use the academic writing style

Academic writing style  implies that the author will adhere to certain standards. Its text can be read with the same degree of understanding by people of different ages and professions.

Academic writing is characterized by the following features:

  • lack of generalizations and categorical judgments, express personal opinion carefully;
  • lack of personal pronouns that give the impression of a common speech;
  •  Observance of gender equality. If the expression applies to both genders, it is impossible to write a man or a woman. It is better to use an impersonal person;
  • availability of quotations and references to the source of information. This allows you to follow the course of thought, to understand that the author's judgments are not speculation;
  • phrases based on a noun rather than on a verb (this allows to give the writing a complete look).

The academic style of writing does not allow the use of common expressions, slang (unless the main subject of the article concerns it). Try to write an essay so that it is equally understandable to both school-age people and of advanced age.

In a good essay, there is no need to use complex and intricate constructions. They can show knowledge of the language, but there is a high probability to use them incorrectly.

Do not use elements of conversational speech

Elements of conversational speech are incompatible with the academic style of writing.

To get a perfect essay you will need:

  • exclude abbreviated forms, always use full verbs instead;
  • exclude slang expressions. Write fewer parenthesis, question marks, and exclamation points that express emotions;
  • avoid common words — use numbers, percentages, details instead.

Strive to give the text objectivity

Steps to writing an essay include maintaining objectivity. The objectivity of the text gives it importance and professionalism.

To objectify an essay it is necessary:

  • express your opinion on the topic using impersonal constructions (It is believed that...; It cannot be argued that..., etc.);
  • use non-categorical verbs (suggest, claim, etc.);
  • words such as apparently, arguably, and other adverbs will help you correctly express your opinion on the issue.
  • avoid generalization, since this is inherent in colloquial speech, clarifying words (few, several).

Text connectivity

Expressions that link text components make the presentation consistent and logical. They guide the reader, do not let him get bored with facts and arguments. Use introductory phrases that are different for the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion.

Linking words will help you consistently express your thoughts, lead the reader to a conclusion. They build the correct structure in the text. Diversify the occurrence of introductory words. It is better to write two different words that mean the same thing.

Quotes and references

Quoting a written source (book, report, or other essays) gives the text objectivity. Use them for writing a great essay. When making a quote and link, the author's data and the date of publication are important. Enter the information with a footnote at the bottom of the text.


Divide the main part of the text into paragraphs by meaning, which can be interrelated and complement each other. Do not overload paragraphs with sentences and make them all about the same length.

At the beginning of the paragraph, it is better to use linking words that will help to continue the idea expressed earlier.

Checking and editing

Even those who have excellent knowledge, sometimes make rude and curious mistakes. To make a perfect essay, you can do the following:

 1. Give the text to an outsider for verification. Poorly constructed sentences and inappropriate turns of phrase will be noticeable.

 2. Exclude inconsistencies in grammatical structures and inconsistencies in the meaning of sentences by simply dictating the text of your essay to a recording device.

 3. Of course, check your spelling in a text editor. The program helps you remove typos, repeat letters, and correct endings. But the editors don't get into the meaning of the story. Thus, if the word is written correctly, but it does not fit the meaning at all, then it will not be corrected.

 4. If you do not have someone who can thoroughly review your paper, write it in advance and start checking and editing it a few days before the deadline. In this case, you will be able to identify the mistakes and fix them yourself.

If you are in doubt about the quality of the paper you have written, contact the proven cheappaperwriting website. Experts will provide editing help and work on the literacy and uniqueness of the text. In return, you will receive your great essay of high quality.

How to write a good essay: essential rules

It is not necessary to follow all the recommendations in the case when you have learned to write an essay correctly. But at the initial stages, the rules must be followed.

1. Sketch a rough draft. If you have a limited amount of time to write, use a rough draft. Sketch an outline on it and write down your main thoughts. This will help you write the essay faster and not make mistakes in the final version.

 2. Stick to the structure. Follow the general structure guidelines and do not exceed the length of each section.

 3. Be concise. Express your thoughts briefly, without going too deep into reasoning.

 4. Use clear evidence to support your points. Give clear evidence for what you or others are saying when expressing their point of view on a topic. Base your conclusion on these arguments.

 5. Get ready for any topics. The essay evaluates the level of knowledge of the language, general erudition. Read books, watch educational programs on the Internet. Then you will not have any difficulty writing an essay on any topic.

 6. Leave time for revision. There are 2-3 mistakes even in good tests. This is due to banal fatigue. Take at least five or ten minutes to check and proofread the text. This will help raise your mark by a few points.

 7. Speak your thoughts correctly. Tolerance when expressing your own thoughts is the most important thing. This also applies to writing stories. Avoid religion and politics, even if you have your own opinion on the subject, you must express it as correctly as possible. The essay should be written in an academic style. Do not express your thoughts too forcefully, do not include emotion.

 8. Write softly. Formal and correct style is the norm of narration. It is forbidden to express an idea categorically, but at the same time, it is not necessary to refer to the fact that your opinion is not essential.

Following all the requirements, it is easy to write a great essay and get the highest score for it. It is important to adhere to generally accepted standards. And then you will be able to impress the examiners with erudition and high-quality, competent text.

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