In today's digital age, landing your dream job isn't just about your CV and interviews. It's about your LinkedIn profile! LinkedIn is like your virtual handshake with potential employers. Are you tired of sending out countless resumes and cover letters without any response? It's time to step up your job search game and utilize the power of LinkedIn. Here's how to use your LinkedIn account to get a job.


Optimise your LinkedIn profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your CV's digital twin. To get started, click the 'Me' tab, and then 'View profile.' Here's your chance to shine! To begin, use a professional photo (no holiday snaps, please) and write a cracking LinkedIn summary. Done? Let’s move to the most important part! Listing your skills, certifications, and work experience on LinkedIn makes your LinkedIn profile professional! Moreover, it is highly recommended to explore some LinkedIn learning and boost your profile!


Get noticed on LinkedIn

LinkedIn isn't a one-way street. Engage with your network by liking, sharing, and commenting on posts. Did you know that linkedin connections matter a lot? Connect with colleagues and mentors, but always send personalized invites. Pro tip: Seek linkedin endorsements for your skills and reciprocate! 



Do's and Don'ts on Your LinkedIn Profile


Do: Add volunteer work on LinkedIn! (You can also include your hobbies – they give your profile personality.)

Don't: Leave your profile blank or with no experience. If you're fresh out of school, mention projects or coursework that showcase your skills. A linkedin profile with no experience is one of the most common profile mistakes!


Do: Customize your LinkedIn URL (it looks way cooler on LinkedIn search appearances).

Don't: Post controversial stuff or treat LinkedIn like Instagram. Save the beach pics for your other profiles!


Apply to a job vacancy on LinkedIn

Ready to take the plunge? Use the linkedin job search to find your dream job. You can find a hundred of job vacancies! Don't just spray and pray; tailor your CV to match the job posting. And, if you're actively looking, use the 'Open to Work' LinkedIn feature to signal to recruiters that you're available.


FAQ about how to use your LinkedIn profile to get a job


1. What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a career explorer where you can connect with colleagues, learn new skills with linkedin learning, and find job opportunities. To put it simpler, LinkedIn is a social media platform for professionals.

2. How can I add work experience on LinkedIn?

Easy-peasy! Just click 'Add profile section' and select 'Experience.' Fill in your job title, company, dates, and a snappy description of what you did.

3. What makes a good LinkedIn summary?

A good LinkedIn summary tells your story, highlights your skills, and reveals your career ambitions. Keep it punchy and passionate!


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