Your last day of work and the first day at a new job are like rollercoaster rides in your professional journey. They are marked by a mixture of emotions, from bittersweet farewells to exciting beginnings. It's a whirlwind of emotions, from teary goodbyes to thrilling new beginnings. We'll dive into office etiquette and tricks that will help you make the most of these important moments, ensuring a smooth transition and setting the stage for an amazing new chapter.

Your First Day of Work - It's New Job day

  • Arrive Early: Plan your commute and aim to arrive early. Punctuality shows your dedication and allows you to settle in before starting.

  • Dress Appropriately: Dress professionally, adhering to the company's dress code. It's better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed.

  • Introduce Yourself: Take the initiative to introduce yourself to your new colleagues. Offer a friendly smile, shake hands, and make an effort to remember names.

  • Be Observant: Pay attention to the office environment, team dynamics, and company culture. Observe how colleagues interact and familiarize yourself with procedures and protocols.

  • Ask Questions: Don't hesitate to ask questions about your role, responsibilities, and expectations. Seek clarification to ensure you start off on the right foot.

  • Take Notes: Jot down important information, such as names, key processes, and any specific instructions or guidelines you receive. This will help you remember details later on.

  • Be Open and Friendly: Approach your interactions with a positive attitude. Engage in conversations, actively listen, and show interest in getting to know your colleagues.

  • Set Realistic Goals: Begin outlining short-term goals that align with your role and responsibilities. Discuss these goals with your supervisor to ensure you're on the same page.

  • Take Initiative: Look for ways to contribute and offer assistance. Proactively seek opportunities to learn and make valuable contributions to projects or tasks.

  • Reflect and Prepare: At the end of your first day, take a moment to reflect on your experiences. Celebrate your accomplishments, note areas for improvement, and mentally prepare for the next day.

First Day at New Job Checklist

Remember, your first day is an opportunity to make a positive impression, build relationships, and lay the foundation for a successful journey with your new company. Stay positive, be yourself, and embrace the exciting challenges ahead.

Last Day of Work

  • Wrap Up Pending Tasks: Finish any remaining assignments or projects and provide clear instructions to colleagues for their continuation.

  • Clean and Organize: Tidy up your workspace, remove personal items, and ensure important files are properly stored or transferred.

  • Bid Farewell and Show Appreciation: Personally say goodbye to your colleagues, expressing gratitude for their support. Consider sending thank-you notes or emails to those who made a positive impact.

  • Return Company Items: Give back keys, access cards, laptops, or any other company property entrusted to you.

  • Tie Up Loose Ends: Take care of administrative tasks like returning library books, cancelling subscriptions, or updating contact information.

  • Share Knowledge: Provide a thorough handover to your successor or teammates, sharing vital information and documentation to help them in their roles.

  • Request References: If you had good relationships with colleagues or supervisors, ask for letters of recommendation or references for future opportunities.

  • Stay Connected: Exchange contact details with colleagues you want to stay in touch with and connect on professional platforms like LinkedIn.

  • Participate in Exit Processes: Engage in exit interviews or surveys to provide valuable feedback that can improve the work environment.

  • Leave a Positive Impression: Maintain professionalism and a positive attitude, leaving a lasting impression of integrity and professionalism.

Remember, leaving a job gracefully ensures positive relationships and a strong reputation. By wrapping up tasks, expressing gratitude, and staying connected, you can end your tenure on a high note.

Mistakes to Avoid on Your First day

  • Arriving Late: Punctuality is crucial on your first day. Plan your commute and arrive early to make a positive impression.

  • Ignoring Dress Code: Failing to dress appropriately can give the wrong impression. Research the company's dress code and dress accordingly.

  • Neglecting to Prepare: Lack of preparation shows a lack of interest. Research the company, review your job responsibilities, and come prepared with questions.

  • Being Overly Reserved: While it's natural to feel nervous, don't be too reserved. Engage in conversations, introduce yourself, and show enthusiasm for being part of the team.

  • Not Asking Questions: Don't hesitate to ask questions if something is unclear. It demonstrates your eagerness to learn and ensures you understand your role and tasks.

Mistakes to Avoid on Your Last day

  • Slacking Off: Don't let your performance drop on your last day. Maintain your professionalism and continue to contribute until the very end.

  • Burning Bridges: Avoid engaging in negative conversations or burning bridges with colleagues. Maintain positive relationships and leave on good terms.

  • Neglecting Handovers: If you have ongoing tasks, projects, or responsibilities, ensure a smooth handover to your colleagues. Provide clear instructions and transfer necessary information.

  • Forgetting to Express Gratitude: Take the time to say goodbye and express gratitude to your colleagues, managers, and anyone who has supported you during your time at the company.

  • Neglecting to Tie Up Loose Ends: Ensure all administrative tasks are completed, such as returning company property, organizing files, and updating contact information.


The first and last days of work are significant moments in your professional journey. By avoiding common mistakes and following the guidelines provided, you can make a positive impression, navigate the transition smoothly, and leave a lasting impact. Remember to be prepared, engage with colleagues, express gratitude, tie up loose ends, and maintain professionalism throughout. Embrace the opportunities that these moments bring, and set yourself up for success in your new chapter or a graceful exit from your current role. Your workplace etiquette throughout your entire employment - is vital. 

StudentJob is a platform designed specifically for students and young professionals in the UK who are seeking job opportunities. Our website offers a wide range of resources and tools to support job searches, including a comprehensive job board, a user-friendly CV builder, and valuable interview tips

We prioritise part-time, temporary, and seasonal work to cater to students' needs, enabling them to gain essential work experience while balancing their studies. At StudentJob, our goal is to provide a reliable platform that empowers students and young professionals in their career journeys. 


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